Subject: Mr. Taylor, congratulations from the city of Recife, Brazil
Att.: Mr. Jerry A. Taylor
Mr. Taylor, I'd like you to know that you became the newest big hype in Brazil, thanks to your recent act of stupidity ( Every time we mention a lame, stupid, arrogant, [put your own bad adjectives here], we reply that "at least he knows what is a web server".
Hope you still stick to your previous declaration about "welcome this publicity", because now you have crafted you name in the Huge Hall of Hopeless Bastard Admins. You are famous! You are immortal! You are a shame to the city of Tuttle!!!
With people like you administrating servers I really sorry for your city.
Please die soon. ;-)
Tive que dar uma pausa pra ler até o final dos comentários do post no
Pior que ja passei algo semelhante onde trabalho, eh brabo! :P
lol! :D
[ ]'s
Claudio Pereira aka IndioX
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