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Paródia: Losing my conection

Adilson Oliveira ( enviou este link e acrescentou: "Já que estamos falando de plantonistas no Carnaval, achei esta paródia que tem tudo a ver :)" Veja abaixo a letra de Losing My Connection, paródia de Alan Zacher para ser cantada no ritmo da popular Losing My Religion. O autor pede desculpas antecipadas ao REM ;-)

Losing My Connection
por Alan Zacher
no ritmo de Losing My Religion
(Perdão, REM)

Windoze is bigger
It's bigger than Earth
But not quite as big as
The things that I must do now
To upgrade all my stuff
Oh no I need more RAM
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me on the help line
Losing my connection
Trying to keep up with Linux
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I need more RAM
I haven't bought enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you Ping!
I think I thought I saw a GPF

Every nightmare
Of velour vest wearing Borg, I'm
Purchasing new hardware
Trying to cool my CPU
Like a Pentium that become a 286
Oh no I need more RAM
Resistance is futile.

Consider this
The OS of the century
Consider this
The OS that brought me
To my knees failed
Now all these open apps have
Come crashing down
Now I need more RAM
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you Ping!
I think I thought I saw a GPF

But that was just a dream
I hope that was a dream...

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Comentário de Patola
Paródias de Weird Al Yankovic: Quem é excelente pra fazer paródias tecnófilas é o cantor estadunidense Weird Al Yankovic. De particular interesse são Gee, I'm a nerd, It's all abount the Pentiums e Pacman. E, claro, Windows 95 sucks, baseado na música-tema do Windows 95 ao ser lançado, "Start Me Up" dos Rolling Stones.
Comentário de vmedina
Nirvana.: Eu tinha visto o clipe dele parodiando o Nirvana. MUIIto legal!
Comentário de Marcus Vinicius
"Smells Like Nirvana": Pode crer, é Smells Like Nirvana.
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