Lua Development Tools agora disponíveis como produto separado
Bem a tempo de você criar um script para expandir criativamente a funcionalidade do VLC 2.0 que deve sair nesta semana ツ
As Lua Development Tools (LDT), desenvolvidas como parte do projeto Eclipse Koneki, estão agora disponíveis como um ambiente stand-alone de desenvolvimento. O desenvolvedor do LDT Benjamin Cabé diz que o pacote de software pré-configurado é ideal para desenvolvedores que não estão particularmente familiarizados com o Eclipse SDK (Software Development Kit).
• Publicado por Augusto Campos em
Hi Augusto (and sorry for posting in English, I hope that’ll be OK anyway!)
I just wanted to let you know that we’ve been working on having a smart autocompletion engine in LDT lately, and are making the results available for test in a beta version. Thanks to this feature, we are now able to provide support for VLC!
See this section of the Koneki wiki to get access to the downloadable beta.
When you will have downloaded the LDT version corresponding to your platform of choice, you will need to create a new LDT project, and then right click on this project, and click on “Build Path > Add External Archives…”.
If you then add the file (note that it is a very partial definition of the VLC API) that is available on the beta download area, you will have nice autocompletion hitting CTRL+Space, including access to the API documentation!
Try typing that kind of stuff, for example:
local foo = config.get('foo')
local dialog = vlc.dialog('My Title')
You should have autocompletion all along, and documentation displayed in the LuaDoc view as well as when hovering your mouse over the source code.
Even if you then do something like:
local dialog2 = dialog
then autocompletion for dialog-related methods will still be available on dialog2!
Hope you’ll like it, and do not hesitate to give feedback (whether or good or bad :)) on the Koneki forum!
Thank you for the update and keep us posted, Benjamin!