Linux Foundation está selecionando profissionais no Brasil para trabalhar no LSB
A 4Linux está ajudando a Linux Foundation a selecionar no Brasil desenvolvedores e hackers para trabalhar no projeto LSB (Linux Standard Base). O domínio do inglês é exigido, e a entrevista será conduzida neste idioma. O currículo deverá ser submetido em inglês e em português. As instruções (em inglês) estão abaixo. Se você quer ser colega de trabalho de Linus Torvalds e Andrew Morton, na mesma organização que paga os contracheques deles, pode ser uma chance ;-)
Segue o texto encaminhado pela 4Linux:
Job opportunity for Linux Foundation in Brasil
“4Linux is helping Linux Foundation to find good developers and hackers to work for LSB (Linux Standard Base) project.
Required skills:
* Familiarity with at least one major enterprise Linux distribution (Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server)
- Ability to install and administer
* Familiarity with building open source projects (using configure/make)
* Familiarity with scripting languages (/bin/sh, perl required); python highly desirable
* Ability to program in C/C++
* Comfortable using revision control systems: at least Subversion
* Open Source Development basics
- Understands (or can learn) rules re: mixing various OSS licenses: GPLv2 vs. CDDL
- Familiarity with patch submission process to upstream maintainers
* Sufficient reading/writing English that the developer is comfortable participating in e-mail and irc discussionsHighly Desirable:
* Ability to configure and compile a Linux kernel to bootstrap
* GCC Familiarity with virtualization tools (VMware, qemu, kvm, etc.)
* Familiarity with distributed SCM’s, i.e., bzr, git, or Mercurial
* Familiarity with architectures beyond x86/x86_64 (i.e., Power PC, S/390, etc.)
* Familiarity with using Distribution customization tools (i.e., Red Hat’s kickstart, etc.)
* Sufficient reading/writing English that the developer is comfortable participating in conference call and face-2-face meetingsIf your curriculum has the required skills above, please send it in ENGLISH to and register it in portuguese at . We will call you for an interview in ENGLISH. If you have some of the “Highly Desirable” and you participate in any open source project, please include those informations in your curriculum.
The second interview will be with a person here in Brasil from Linux Foundation.”
Enviado por Recursos Humanos 4Linux (curriculoΘ4linux·com·br) – referência (
Damn, tem que saber Perl ! xD