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Mudança em sistemas de arquivos põe Postfix em risco

“Wietse Venema, desenvolvedor do Postfix, emitiu um aviso de problema de segurança quando o servidor de e-mail é usado em conjunto com sistemas de arquivos do Linux e do Solaris. Segundo ele, as versões mais recentes desses sistemas operacionais não seguem mais o padrão POSIX para links, e assim agressores locais podem conseguir anexar arquivos às caixas de mensagens de outros usuários do Postfix.”

Enviado por Rafael Peregrino da Silva (rperegrinoΘlinuxmagazine·com·br) – referência (

• Publicado por Augusto Campos em 2008-08-17

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    amg1127 (usuário não registrado) em 17/08/2008 às 2:42 pm

    Embora o meu servidor de e-mails pareça não ser afetado pelo problema (devido à utilização conjunta do Cyrus IMAP e da proibição de acesso local ou via SSH), gostaria de investigar melhor o problema.

    Alguém tem um link para o anúncio original do Wietse Venema?

    Andre (usuário não registrado) em 17/08/2008 às 3:06 pm

    Estou postando o email que eu recebi pela lista postfix-announce, não consegui encontrar o arquivo online da lista.
    Aparentemente o problema afeta apenas usuários utilizando o formato mailbox, quem estiver usando maildir não é afetado.


    Subject: Postfix local privilege escalation via hardlinked symlinks
    To: Postfix announce
    Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:05:28 -0400 (EDT)
    CC: Postfix users
    X-Time-Zone: USA EST, 6 hours behind central European time
    X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL82 (25)]
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    From: (Wietse Venema)
    Precedence: bulk

    Summary: Solaris and Linux file system behavior has changed over
    time, breaking one of the assumptions in Postfix. See below for a
    description of the behavior and how it disagrees with standards.

    Postfix is not affected on systems with standard (POSIX, X/Open)
    file system behavior, i.e. *BSD, AIX, MacOS, HP-UX, and very old
    Sun/Linux systems. The fix and workarounds are simple.

    There are efforts to get the non-standard behavior approved by
    standards (a function called llink). Today’s fix for Solaris, Linux
    etc. also makes Postfix future-proof for such changes.


    1. Postfix local privilege escalation via hardlinked symlinks
    Sebastian Krahmer of SuSE has found a privilege escalation problem.
    On some systems an attacker can hardlink a root-owned symlink to
    for example /var/mail, and cause Postfix to append mail to existing
    files that are owned by root or non-root accounts. This can happen
    on operating systems with specific non-standard behavior.

    Symlinks (symbolic links) implement aliasing for UNIX pathnames.
    They were introduced with 4.2BSD UNIX in 1983, and were adopted by
    other UNIX systems in the course of time. Hardlinks are older and
    implement the primary mechanism for accessing file system objects.

    In some UNIX systems, the link(symlink, newpath) operation has
    changed over time: instead of recursively following the symlink and
    creating a hardlink to the file thus found, it creates a hardlink
    to the symlink itself. This behavior disagrees with, for example,
    the POSIX.1-2001 and X/Open XPG4v2 standards, and is the default
    on current Solaris, IRIX and Linux systems. On systems with this
    non-standard behavior, Postfix may be vulnerable depending on how
    it is configured.

    Postfix allows a root-owned symlink as a local mail destination,
    so that mail can be delivered to e.g. /dev/null which is a symlink
    on Solaris.

    2. What configurations are (not) affected
    A configuration is considered affected when an attacker with local
    access to a system can make Postfix append mail to an existing file
    of a different user. Appendix A gives a procedure to determine if
    a system is affected.

    The following configurations are NOT affected: Postfix on FreeBSD
    7.0, OpenBSD 4.3, NetBSD 4.0, MacOS X 10.5, AIX 5.3, HP-UX 11.11,
    Solaris 1.x, Linux kernel 1.2.13, and other systems with standard
    hardlink behavior. However, these systems may become affected when
    they share file systems with hosts where users can create hardlinks
    to symlinks.

    Also not affected are the following configurations: a) maildir-style
    delivery with the Postfix built-in local or virtual delivery agents;
    b) mail delivery with non-Postfix local or virtual delivery agents;
    c) mailbox-style delivery with the Postfix built-in virtual delivery
    agent when virtual mailbox parent directories have no “group” or
    other write permissions.

    The following configurations are known to be affected on Linux
    kernel >= 2.0, Solaris >= 2.0, OpenSolaris 11-2008.5, IRIX 6.5, and
    other systems where users can create hardlinks to symlinks: a)
    mailbox-style delivery with the Postfix built-in local delivery
    agent; b) mailbox-style delivery with the Postfix built-in virtual
    delivery agent when virtual mailbox parent directories have “group”
    or other write permissions.

    3. Solution
    If your system is affected, upgrade Postfix, apply the patch in
    Appendix C, or apply one of the countermeasures in section 4.

    Updated versions will be made available via
    for Postfix versions 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6. Individual vendors
    will provide updates depending on their support policy.

    4. Countermeasures
    Each of the following countermeasures will prevent privilege
    escalation through Postfix via hardlinked symlinks:

    1) Protect mailbox files (maildir files are not affected). The
    script in Appendix B makes sure that the system mail spool directory
    is owned by root, that the sticky bit is turned on, and that each
    UNIX account has a mailbox file; it also has suggestions for virtual
    mailbox file deliveries (again, maildir files are not affected).

    2) Don’t allow non-root users to create hardlinks to objects of
    other users. This behavior is configurable on some systems.

    Appendix A: Procedure to find out if a system is affected
    As mentioned in section 2, not affected are maildir-style delivery
    with the Postfix built-in local or virtual delivery agents, mail
    delivery with non-Postfix local or virtual delivery agents, and
    mailbox-style delivery with the built-in Postfix virtual delivery
    agent when virtual mailbox parent directories have no “group” or
    other write permissions.

    To find out if a system may be affected, execute the following
    commands as non-root user on a local file system:

    $ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
    $ mkdir test
    $ cd test
    $ touch src
    $ ln -s src dst1
    $ ln dst1 dst2
    $ ls -l

    For the test to be valid, all commands should complete without error.

    The system is NOT affected when “ls -l” output shows one symlink
    (dst1 -> src) and two files (dst2, src) as in example A.1.

    Example A.1:
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 user users 3 Mmm dd hh:mm dst1 -> src
    -rw-r–r– 2 user users 0 Mmm dd hh:mm dst2
    -rw-r–r– 2 user users 0 Mmm dd hh:mm src

    However, the system may become affected when it shares file systems
    with hosts where users can create hardlinks to symlinks as described

    The system is affected when “ls -l” output shows two symlinks and
    one file as in example A.2, with the following Postfix configurations:
    a) mailbox-style delivery with the Postfix built-in local delivery
    agent; b) mailbox-style delivery with the Postfix built-in virtual
    delivery agent when virtual mailbox parent directories have “group”
    or other write permission.

    Example A.2:
    lrwxrwxrwx 2 user users 3 Mmm dd hh:mm dst1 -> src
    lrwxrwxrwx 2 user users 3 Mmm dd hh:mm dst2 -> src
    -rw-r–r– 1 user users 0 Mmm dd hh:mm src

    Appendix B: Procedure to protect mailbox files
    This section describes one of the countermeasures (see section 4)
    that eliminate the problem without updating Postfix.

    The Perl script below hardens systems that use mailbox-style
    deliveries with the Postfix built-in local delivery agent; it makes
    sure that the system mailspool directory is root-owned and sticky,
    and that every UNIX account has a mailbox file. The script assumes
    that mailbox files are stored under /var/mail.

    Similar actions would be needed for systems that use mailbox-style
    delivery with the Postfix built-in virtual delivery agent, but this
    is needed only when Postfix virtual mailbox parent directories have
    “group” or other write permissions. Unfortunately, an automated
    script for this cannot be made available due to the large variation
    between Postfix configurations.


    # fix-mailspool – Make sure the mailspool directory is root-owned
    # and sticky, and that every UNIX account has a mailbox file.

    use Fcntl;

    $debug = 0;

    # Follow compatibility symlink.

    chown(0, -1, $mailspool)
    || die(“can’t set root ownership for $mailspool: $! ”);

    chmod((stat($mailspool))[2] | 01000, $mailspool)
    || die(“can’t set sticky bit for $mailspool: $! ”);

    while(($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
    $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent()) {
    print “user $name ” if $debug;
    $mailbox = ($mailspool . $name);
    if (! -e $mailbox) {
    print “create $mailbox ” if $debug;
    if (!sysopen(MAILBOX, $mailbox, (O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL), 0600)) {
    warn(“can’t create $mailbox: $! ”);
    } else {
    # XXX fchown() is not portable.
    chown($uid, $gid, $mailbox) || warn(“chown $mailbox: $! ”);
    } elsif (! -f $mailbox) {
    warn(“$mailbox is not a regular file ”);
    } elsif ((stat($mailbox))[4] != $uid) {
    warn(“$mailbox is not owned by $name ”);

    Appendix C: Source code patch
    This patch is suitable for Postfix 2.0 and later. It presents the
    least invasive change that eliminates the problem. Future Postfix
    releases may adopt a different strategy.

    The solution introduces the following change: when the target of
    mail delivery is a symlink, the parent directory of that symlink
    must now be writable by root only (in addition to the already
    existing requirement that the symlink itself is owned by root).
    This change will break legitimate configurations that deliver mail
    to a symbolic link in a directory with less restrictive permissions.

    *** src/util/safe_open.c.origSun Jun 4 19:04:49 2006
    — src/util/safe_open.cMon Aug 4 16:47:18 2008
    *** 83,88 ****
    — 83,89 —-
    + #include

    /* safe_open_exist – open existing file */
    *** 138,150 ****
    * for symlinks owned by root. NEVER, NEVER, make exceptions for symlinks
    * owned by a non-root user. This would open a security hole when
    * delivering mail to a world-writable mailbox directory.
    else if (lstat(path, &lstat_st) st_dev != lstat_st.st_dev
    — 139,167 —-
    * for symlinks owned by root. NEVER, NEVER, make exceptions for symlinks
    * owned by a non-root user. This would open a security hole when
    * delivering mail to a world-writable mailbox directory.
    + *
    + * Sebastian Krahmer of SuSE brought to my attention that some systems have
    + * changed their semantics of link(symlink, newpath), such that the
    + * result is a hardlink to the symlink. For this reason, we now also
    + * require that the symlink’s parent directory is writable only by root.
    else if (lstat(path, &lstat_st) st_dev != lstat_st.st_dev

    Padrão (usuário não registrado) em 17/08/2008 às 9:29 pm

    Ainda bem que não uso Linux nos meus servidores (OpenBSD). Isso é o que dá quando se faz o que quer e decidem não seguir os padrões.

    henry (usuário não registrado) em 17/08/2008 às 10:49 pm

    Grande coisa usar isso ou aquilo em servidores. Se prestar atenção a noticia, kerneis posteriores a 2.0 são afetados. Ou seja, não importa o quão vc se acha seguro, sempre existe a possibilidade de alguém ir lá com atenção e provar o contrário.

    (e pelo que eu me lembre, um especialista, a não muito tempo atrás, varreu o openbsd em algumas horas e encontrou umas duas duzias de vulnerabilidades sérias….Realmente, openbsd é Muito seguro, aliás, como toda obra feita pelos seres humanos..

Este post é antigo (2008-08-17) e foi arquivado. O envio de novos comentários a este post já expirou.