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quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2005

IBM publica guia para auxiliar na migração de Windows para Linux

Damarinho (omlinux@yahoo.com.br) enviou este link e acrescentou: "Como parte de sua campanha pró Linux, a IBM publicou no início de dezembro um guia intitulado 'A Pract... (Ler na íntegra)

Publicado por brain às 16:27

Comentários dos leitores

(Termos de Uso)

» Comentário de Dorivan A Marinho () em 05/01 17:25

Transcrição de Tópico


The goal of this IBM Redbook is to provide a technical planning reference for IT
organizations large or small that are now considering a migration to Linux-based
personal computers. For Linux, there is a tremendous amount of \u201chow to\u201d
information available online that addresses specific and very technical operating
system configuration issues, platform-specific installation methods, user interface
customizations, etc. This book includes some technical \u201chow to\u201d as well,
but the overall focus of the content in this book is to walk the reader through
some of the important considerations and planning issues you could encounter during
a migration project. Within the context of a pre-existing Microsoft Windows-based
environment, we attempt to present a more holistic, end-to-end view of the technical
challenges and methods necessary to complete a successful migration to Linux-based

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